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Noticing: A Photo Essay

Last week, I took an unplanned, unscheduled, unmapped walk near my home. I'm lucky to have access to both the natural and the urban all around me. I've always been a "city girl" but the mountains draw me in and the ocean compels me into serene, cool waters.

I usually don't bring my phone with me, as I don't want to be tempted by distraction, but on this day, I had it. So, I made use of it. Along the way, I captured images that brought words, thoughts and ideas to mind. As I uploaded the photos to my computer later, I saw the photos anew, noticing details I hadn't before, or remembering why I had captured that particular scene, place or object.

Sometimes, the image evoked a sensation, a sound or a smell, or it recalled a memory. Other times, I thought of story, of the who, what, when, where or why.

The entire practice reminded me that what we notice is the very beginning of creation. All of what I saw and experienced on my walk was content for writing.

Here's what I captured and the words that came to me. I'll let you make your own interpretations. I'm curious what words come to your mind when you see these? Let me know.









The weird and the wonderful


I am so often focused on my to-do list or the things I want to accomplish that I don't take time to notice. This was such a great exercise in truly seeing the world around me. I lost all track of time and of myself and it was a truly liberating and expanding experience.


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