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Formatting a Manuscript for Submission

I’m embarrassed to admit I googled “how to format a manuscript” this week. Wouldn’t this be something I already know considering I have a master’s degree in creative writing, and I’ve been submitting work to publications since 2020?


Back in primary school, I put my name, my teacher’s name and my class section in the top left corner of each page. I put page numbers at the bottom. Centered across the top of the page was the title of the piece, then two returns followed by the body (the first line of each paragraph indented, of course).


I figured the grown-up format would be similar, including all the relevant contact and technical details, like word count. What more could be required?


I have been a volunteer reader at a few online journals and the submissions I’ve seen don’t have any consistent formatting. Some headers are left-justified, others are right-justified. Sometimes page numbers are at the top, others at the bottom. Some have a title page; others jump right into text. Spacing and text style vary, too.


But I continue to read articles and missives from other writers who insist their work was rejected because of formatting or because they did not follow the guidelines of the submission. I don’t want the mechanics of my work to supersede the content, so I’ve researched guidance on the “right” way to format.


Frustratingly, there is no singular way. I found a default methodology here that I use in the absence of specific guidance from a publisher.


I read the submission instructions ten times to ensure I’m doing it the way they’ve asked out of real fear I’ll be disqualified based on an oversight or unintentional omission.


I always copy unique submissions into new files, even if I’m sharing the same exact piece with multiple publications. If I’m allowed (follow the directions, I hear myself say!), I’ll title the document using the contest or submission name, that way I’ll know where I sent it.


I’ve spoken to an editor and a publisher who have both said following the rules is critically important, especially if the piece is meant to be anonymous. However, they are generally looking for formatting that allows for easy reading (12-point font, double-spacing). They are not intentionally trying to weed out writers.


It’s a comfort and a relief, but still, I habitually check and re-check my document a dozen times (so it feels!) before I click ‘Submit,’ and I doubt that will ever change!


Have you ever received feedback about formatting? Do you use a different standardization? Does anyone with publishing experience have any other words of wisdom? Let me know!


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